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Collaborative Aggies Leadership Initiative (CALI) was founded by Emily Andersen in 2015, who worked very hard through her own eating disorder recovery. When CALI was founded, the starfish became the symbol that represented our organization. Just as Emily Andersen states, “the starfish has many meanings and symbolism but what I found most interesting is how resilient a starfish is. Starfish can actually grow back their limbs and regenerate from trauma or a predator the starfish, I was learning to change and adapt to change in my recovery from my eating disorder and learning to let go of a lot of stuff I was struggling with”. Overall for our organization, the self-growth journey became synonymous with the regeneration of a starfish. For our founder and members alike, the starfish symbolizes healing and recovery; it teaches us to regenerate our thoughts and mindsets to rid ourselves of negative thoughts and negative dialogue we tell ourselves. 

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